Making Sense of the Evidence with Neil O'Connell - Recording from July 2019


Making Sense of the Evidence with Neil O'Connell - Recording from July 2019

Sale Price:$495.00 Original Price:$575.00

We recorded Neil’s brilliance - and you can purchase it here.


Course Description:  This 2-day course is designed for current clinicians and students and aims to enable participants to become better users of clinical effectiveness research. The course will explain and cut-through the jargon of trials and systematic reviews and offer a framework for critically appraising these types of research papers. The broad aim is that participants will develop the skills to go beyond the abstract of a paper and be able to make detailed and informed judgments regarding the validity and results of trials and systematic reviews and to consider what those results might mean to their practice.

With the purchase of the course, you receive all of the recorded lectures, pre-reading materials and course notes.

Buy Recordings and Class Materials Here



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